Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Kayaking on the Suwannee

During the first week of April Kathrin went with 4 other firends on a paddle adventure to the Suwannee and Withlacoochee Rivers. (And what an adventure that turned out to be!) The five of us rented a cabin at the Suwannee River State Park and participated in the "Paddle Florida" event with 100+ other paddlers. The park sits atop a bluff overlooking the confluence of the Suwannee & Withlacoochee Rivers. We kayaked 23 miles on the Suwannee the first day and 13 miles on the Withlacoochee the next. Activities included an evening ghost tour through the nearby ruins,a presentation from local experts dedicated to the preserving North Florida's rivers & springs, campfires and a concert. Lots of laughs and wonderful memories were made! (as well as lots of sore muscles)

Group Selfie!
Vicky & Kathrin

Natural Spring on Withlacoochee



Natural Spring on Withlacoochee 

Friendly Visitor

The Dance

Mark & Cindy


Cindy, Marck, Mike,Vicky

Tenting at Sunset

Beautiful Cypress

Spectacular Trees
Limestone Along the Suwannee

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